"Someone needs to do the research to set the record straight" White House Curator
This is the launch of my NEW Book, “Season’s Greetings from the White House, The Stories of Presidential Christmas Cards, Messages and Gifts: Calvin Coolidge to Donald J. Trump” - the 8th Edition.
The book started with a Collection of Presidential Christmas Memorabilia, consisting mostly of official Presidential Christmas cards and gifts. Over the years it has become much more.
On a slow day at the office, my husband called the curator at the White House. Ron, offered to show him pictures of what became known as The Seeley Collection, and Rex Scouten invited us to the White House. During that visit, he gave us a copy of a brief history of the President’s Christmas cards. On subsequent visits to Washington we met with Mr. Scouten, armed with questions about our collection that went beyond or contradicted the printed facts from the White House.
At one point, Mr. Scouten exclaimed, “Someone needs to do the research and set the record straight.” My husband immediately offered me to do that. I had graduated with a Master’s Degree in American History; we had the collection and the questions. It was obvious to him, and I accepted the challenge. In 1996, my early research was finished. My first edition was published by Master Media, New York. The most recent edition commemorates nearly a century of Christmases at the White House, including every president, every year from Calvin Coolidge to Donald J. Trump.
“Season’s Greetings from the White House is far more than a documentation of Christmas cards and messages. Mary Seeley’s extensive research enables her to share the human side of Christmas at the White House.” - Rex Scouten, The White House Curator.
The book has arrived from the printer and signed copies are available for purchase at www.whitehouseholidays.com.