about me
Mary Evans Seeley
Mary Evans Seeley is a collector, historian, lecturer, author and publisher of two books about Christmas at the White House. She and her husband, Ronald, have the most extensive collection of Presidential Christmas memorabilia in the country. Parts of The Seeley Collection have been on display at the White House on two occasions and have been on exhibit at ten Presidential Libraries (Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Bush, Truman, Hoover, FDR, Carter, Johnson and Lincoln). Mrs. Seeley has lectured at each of these libraries, the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach, the Fresno Metropolitan Museum in California, Festival of Trees at the Orlando Museum of Art, Florida Republican Convention, Omaha Leadership Conference, and at several luncheon meetings and teas. The author was filmed for C-span while speaking at the Richard Nixon Museum in 1996 and filmed for the Fox News Channel at the Carter Library for the program “Christmas at the White House with Laura Bush” aired in 2001. Three times she was a guest on James Dobson's radio broadcast for Focus on the Family.
Encouraged by White House Curator, Rex Scouten to write "Season's Greetings from the White House," Mrs. Seeley has visited 12 Presidential libraries and birth places, met Presidents Reagan and Bush, interviewed Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Rosalyn Carter, and Betty Ford, received communications from Lady Bird Johnson, the Clinton White House and the First Ladies Office of MelaniaTrump White House, and talked with First Family children, including John Coolidge.
Mary Seeley has interviewed the artists and photographers whose works grace the Christmas cards and gifts of the presidents. Both Hallmark and American Greetings cooperated in supplying the behind-the-scenes details of producing these over the years. The copious research so evident through the book's pages came naturally to Mrs. Seeley, who holds an M.A. degree in American History from the University of Nebraska.
The book, "Season's Greetings from the White House" is now in its eighth edition. It tells the stories of Christmas at the White House from Calvin Coolidge through Donald J. Trump, documenting nearly a century of presidential Christmases.
An entrepreneur, Mrs. Seeley is President of A Presidential Christmas Corporation. Mary has created a collection of patriotic and presidential ornaments, hand painted in the USA, Poland, Austria and China. For an ever increasing number of clients, she has developed custom ornaments to meet individual needs. Included in this endeavor were Vice President and Mrs. Cheney, the RNC,the Broadmoor Hotel, the Sophienburg Museum, Mount Vernon, Samford University, Governor and Mrs Haslem (TN), the Library of Congress, and the Bible Museum (DC) to name a few. In 2008, she was asked to submit a prototype ornament for Laura Bush.
Mary Seeley is the wife of Ronald Seeley, an Ophthalmologist in Tampa, FL. They have four children and ten grandchildren.
For more information visit my website www.WhiteHouseHolidays.com